Monday, January 29, 2007

St. Catharines- The Ironic City

It have just found out that the motto of my hometown, St. Catharines, Ontario, is "Industry and Liberality." Now, anyone who is from here knows why this is ironic.

First, let's talk about "Industry." A few decades ago, that would have been fitting. But ask any of the workers on layoff or now unemployed from General Motors, TRW, Dana, Packard, and any others that I'm missing if "Industry" is the best way to describe this town. I wish it weren't true, but industry is drying up and moving south, and our "liberal" politicians have done precious little about it.

Next, let's look at "Liberality." Now this is even more ironic. Our former Liberal (capital L) MP Walt Lastewka voted against equal marriage every chance he got, often siding with the Conservatives, and our new Tory MP Rick Dysktra, was one of the few ultra regressive MPs who voted to re-open the equal marriage debate. At least Lastewka was willing to put it in the past and move on.

Thus, I believe that out newly elected city council seriously look into changing our city's motto. I, for one, propose "Socially Conservative and once Industrial." Now, that'll do wonders for tourism!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Your suggestions make sense. That's the way St. Kitts was headed when I lived there for about ten years ending in 1987!

If Jim Bradley is still the most visible "Liberal" - and where does he stand on the urban sprawl inherent in the new hospital's proposed location? - then little has changed.

That said, at least there is a bit of an organization to LGBT activities there now - which is more than I could say about the '80s :)