Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Now here's a real Dion attack ad....

The Star published this satirical editorial criticizing the new Tory attacks ads for not being negative enough, for not manipulating the facts, for not putting words in Dion's mouth, and for being far too weak. The editorial looks to point the Tories in the right direction, so this advertisement was proposed instead. The editorial says the to Tories, "Help rebuild the distrust and cynicism that's gone missing from this country. Here, free of charge.."

"Stéphane Dion named his dog Kyoto. But he almost called it Greenhouse Gas. That's because Stéphane Dion hates the ozone layer. And he hates humans. He's looking forward to global warming. Because he loves ice cream. He usually gets Neapolitan. Because he can never decide on a flavour.

"Leaders don't hate humans. Leaders don't flip-flop on frozen dairy. Stéphane Dion is a disgrace."

Now that's what I call an attack ad!

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