Wednesday, January 24, 2007

France and Quebec Sovereignty

Chantal Hebert's newest column claims that French socialist leader Ségolène Royal's recent comments endorsing a sovereign Quebec are ignorant and out of touch with reality in France. She was portrayed as a gaffe-prone candidate by Libération, a newspaper usually sympathetic to her socialist party and was also slammed by many of the readers who responded to the story on the website of Le Monde, another outlet usually sympathetic both to Quebec nationalism and to the French Left.

Regardless, I support her right to endorse a sovereign Quebec, and I also support Quebec's democratic right to self-determination.

The most humorous part about this entire story is that fact that if Stephane Dion- a dual citizen with France- is elected prime minister, and Royal is elected as France's president, Dion's own president will be endorsing the 'break-up' of the country he governs. I guess Dion won't be voting socialist in France's election.

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