Tuesday, January 23, 2007

French socialist endorses Quebec sovereignity

French presidential hopeful Ségolène Royal seemingly endorsed a sovereign Quebec following a meeting with PQ leader Andre Boisclair in Paris. When asked her opinions toward a sovereign Quebec, she stated "It goes with our common values, which are Quebec's sovereignty and freedom," and added "I think that Quebec's influence and its place in the hearts of the French people support that." Bosclair concurred, stating "I think the French really understood our message. I would even say there was sympathy."

Stephen Harper, playing the role of Captain Canada, showed his lacked of enthusiasm to Mlle. Royal's comments, exclaiming that "Experience teaches that it is highly inappropriate for a foreign leader to interfere in the democratic affairs of another country."

However, that wasn't a problem for federalists in 1995 when Bill Clinton appeared on behalf of the federalist camp and essentially supported the federalist position, though stopped short of a direct endorsement.

And speaking of interfering in another country's affairs, isn't that exactly what the war in Afghanistan is doing? And Mr. Harper is unwavering in his support of that war. I guess it depends on what side of the bed he wakes up on.

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