Thursday, January 25, 2007

Reader of the Week/ Mailbag

The Daily Dissidence is happy to name Timothy Fowler as 'reader of the week.' Tim is a twenty-something Wainfleet, Ontario resident and is completing an undergraduate degree at Brock University. I would link his blog, but as a result of his 56k dial-up, he doesn't have a blog. He's claimed that he only uses the internet for five sites, and the double-d is happy to be amongst those five (the others are Chart Magazine, the CBC, e-mail, and this guy's blog). Thanks Timothy. I'm honoured at how important my blog is to you.

The double-d also got some mail. This week's comment comes from Pete, for whom I couldn't find an appropriate link. In a comment to my post on the NDP and eliminating bank fees, Pete said....

It's a good idea (banning fees, not nationalizing banks).Why should Canadaians pay so much more for ATMs than people in other countries. As someone who travels from time to time, this has always burned me.The banks need to realize that we SAVE them money when we use the ATMs, because they don't need to hire as many staff to look after us at the bank.

Umm...thanks? Yes? No? I'm not sure how to respond to this. I concur that eliminating these fees is a good idea, thus my original classification of this policy as "a progressive minded economic policy." While I feel that nationalizing the banks is a great idea as it takes a key pillar of the economy out of private interests and puts them into public control, I guess a lot of dippers don't agree with me.

I'll leave you with a quote from the Regina Manifesto; I think it illustrates how weak the NDP is vis-a-vis the CCF. I'd likely die of the shock if Jack Attack were to make a similar statement.

"No C.C.F. Government will rest until it has eradicated capitalism and put into operation the full programme of socialized planning which will lead to the establishment in Canada of the Cooperative Commonwealth."

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