Sunday, April 15, 2007

Ontario Electoral Reform: Referendum this Fall

Ontarians will be voting in a referendum this fall to decide the fate of the province's electoral system. By a margin of 94-8 (with one missing member), the Ontario Citizens Assembly on Electoral Reform has endorsed the mixed-member proportionality system.

While it is not, in my opinion, the best choice, it is a much improved system compared to the current (yet outdated) single-member plurality system. As such, it definitely deserves our support.

Sadly, in an illustration of elite control, the Liberal Party has set the bar artificially high. For the referendum to pass, it will need at a 60 per cent majority, with more than 50 per cent of ballots needing to be cast in at least 64 ridings. Interestingly enough, the Liberals were elected to a false majority government with only 46.4% of the vote. Talk about hypocrisy.

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