Monday, April 9, 2007

The NDP- Dirty, Filthy Communists

Vist MondoPolitico to read this hilarious (albeit serious) critique of the NDP. The mission statement of MondoPolitico is "Your government may the most expensive thing you'll ever purchase. Let MondoPolitico help you compare before you buy," so it is pretty clear what the ideological foundation of the web-site is. The following is a sample of what the web-site says about the NDP....

In short, the NDP believes that equality can be attained by controlling the production and distribution of goods in Canada, and by government ownership. Like the Communist Party of Canada, it opposes profit and supports government ownership of capital (it calls government ownership "social ownership", which has a friendlier ring to it). A critique of the NDP's economic model is in order...The phrase used by economists to describe government control of the production and distribution of goods is "central planning". It should be noted that the quintessential and most thoroughly centrally planned economy in history is arguably the Soviet Union (the USSR), whose economy collapsed. Chief among the well respected economists who have argued that central planning cannot succeed, even in theory, are Ludwig von Mises (see his book entitled "Socialism") and Friedrich von Hayek's famous "The Road to Serfdom".

If only it were true. Too bad social democracy and the 'third way' has caught most dippers like wildfire.

1 comment:

Cliff said...

Hey even free market ideologue Jeffrey Sachs saw the light. There's hope for Mongo, I mean Mondo.