Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Liberals propose anti-scab bill...

...just days after defeating an existing one. What a farce that party is. I hope this one passes, but there is absolutely no reason why the previous one (or the two before that) should have failed. You can read about the watered-down bill here.

We need to be liberated from the Liberals, as soon as possible.


Anonymous said...

I don't understand why you have a problem with this Bill.

susansmith said...

Robedger, what was the problem with the other bill that they voted down last week, beyond the fact that it didn't have the liberal name on it?
It's all about dressing up the liberal party as the friend of labour, and not about doing the right thing last week, so it just looks like cheap liberal politics, again.

Dissidence said...

I'm glad someone reads my posts before commenting on them. I said I hoped the Liberal bill passes...My problem is with the process. They've voted down three bills in recent years, and as Jan said, they've only put this one forward to appear as friends of labour. That's the real joke. I did refer to the bill as watered down, and if you read the link, you'd see why. Since Robedger is too lazy to even read the post, its watered down because it spells out what already exists in the Canada labour code and allows management to continue with production (where as the last bill simply allowed them to maintain the facility).

Anonymous said...

If the bill is different than the last ones, then there is nothing farcical about it. They didn't agree with the last ones, they agree with this one.

On a side note, you may want to lok up the meaning of "civil discourse".

NO ONE said...

The Liberals really don't get anti-scab legislation. If they did, they would have passed the last bill as it was.

Dissidence said...

robedger- you may want to look up the meaning of opportunism and hypocrisy.

I'll save you the hassle....it is the Liberal Party of Canada.

And if you comment on my blog, please provide a link to yours