Sunday, September 23, 2007

Liberal Masterplan Exposed: Liberals won Outremont

Oh wow. In what is possibly the best political power play in Canadian history, the Liberals are now revealing that they didn't technically lose Outremonet because a Liberal was elected anyways! Kudos M. Dion and company, you had us all fooled. We really thought that you suffered a serious loss in Quebec. And to think, this whole week New Demoracts from coast to coast have been jumping for joy for thinking they finally gained a foothold in Quebec. Jokes on them, because it turns out that a Liberal was actually elected in Outremonet. Ha. As "What Do I Know Grit" explains:

So Dion's getting ripped all over the media for losing not one, but three by-elections in the Province of Quebec....With the exception of Outremont - where they elected a Liberal anyway - the other ridings weren't exactly Liberal bastiens. In fact, those ridings have long since seen better days for Liberals. Yet, if you listen to the media reports, it was the Liberals and Dion that were crushed in all three ridings.

I guess when this guy stated that it smelled like Liberal victory in Outremont he was right after all! It turns out that "What Do I Know Grit" knows significantly more than the rest of us. Thanks for sharing this Liberal masterplan.


Unknown said...

The What Do I Know Grit may be the best thing that has ever happened to politics in Canada.

Anonymous said...

Such B.S.
Thomas Muclair is as NDP as any other NDP MP. He voluntarily left the Liberals because of their bad policy and voluntarily joined the NDP because of our integrity and sound policy.

It just took Thomas a little longer to figure out which party is the party of the people.