Sunday, September 2, 2007

Divisive Arabic school set to open in NYC

Extending funding to faith-based schooling in Ontario will be one of the key issues in this fall's provincial election. Opponents of the idea believe that separating students based upon their religion will be divisive. The following example from New York City might illustrate this point.

A publicly funded Arabic school- which is mandated to teach the Arabic language and non-religious Arabic culture- is set to open this week. The school, however, has been marred with controversy.

The idea- that being teaching the Arabic culture and language to young people- is much needed idea, especially in the climate of mistrust that exists following 9/11. However, I'm forced to ask why this same sort of education can't be done in public schools (and by that, I mean non-sectarian/religious based schools). Let's promote culture, but let's not divide ourselves to do it.

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