Thursday, February 1, 2007

Cheri DiNovo: A Profile

The Star recently profiled Toronto-HighPark MPP Cheri DiNovo in an article entitled "Street Kid to Crusader." I've put a link to the story because DiNovo is leading the fight for a $10/hr. minimum wage, which is something I strongly support, and her site contains a number of links to newsarticles on that subject. DiNovo is also a former United Church Minister- and performed the first legalized same-sex marriage in North America. My favorite quote from the article was...

When she first told friends she was going to run in the by-election – prompted by education minister Gerard Kennedy's departure to run for the federal Liberal leadership – some warned her about "all the blood and guts and gore and lying of politics."
"And that's different from organized religion in what way exactly?" DiNovo asked.


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