Thursday, February 22, 2007

Back-to-work legislation in Canada

With pending back to work legislation expected in the ongoing CN rail strike, the CBC has prepared this examination of the history and development and back towork legislation in Canada. An assualt on trade union freedoms? You betcha it is.

1 comment:

Morgan said...

I guess you could call the legislation being prepared in the house anti-scab.... Like you could call being told you can't join a trade union right-to-work legislation. But, I don't think you meant it in this orwellian way.

Anti-scab is clearly the legislation the NDP with the Bloc's support is trying to bring in to stop crossing of picket lines sanctioned by the labour board in federal labour disputes.

The legislation being debated in the federal house as soon as this evening is closer to conscription. Commonly known by its orwellian name, back to work legislation, in which the government conscripts the CN Workers back to their jobs.

I'm assuming this was just a typo? Feel free to correct it and delete this comment.