Monday, August 6, 2007

Fly the Flag

Town Council in Truro, Nova Scotia won't be flying a local gay pride group's flag. Many other municipalities- including my hometown of St. Catharines, as well as two neighbouring Nova Scotia communities- have raised or will raise the rainbow flag.

Mayor Bill Mills is standing by the vote, saying, as a Christian, he simply could not support the request.

"God says I'm not in favour of that and I have to look at it and say, I guess I'm not either," Mills said.

By raising the rainbow flag, he added, that might open the door for other groups.

"If I have a group of people that says pedophiles should have rights, do we raise their flag too? I don't want to lump them in with homosexuals, but that's the point, the issues, and that's my feeling.

A few things here:

1) Whatever happened to free thought? Is Mayor Mills incapable of being a rational, free-minded individual? Have the people of Truro elected a human or a drone?

2) I thought there existed a separation of church (and synagogue/mosque/etc.) in Canada. I guess that doesn't apply to Truro.

3) If Mayor Mills didn't want to group pedophiles in with gays and lesbians (though it always seems like the social conservatives do), then perhaps he should have refrained from making that insinuation in the first place.

1 comment:

Andrew Hooper said...

"Whatever happened to free thought? Is Mayor Mills incapable of being a rational, free-minded individual?"

No, he's more than capable, and has chosen to obey the higher authority, which happens to be God.

You can't expect a Christian no matter what position he is in, to do something which would make him an accomplice to homosexuality.

You people speak of tolerance, how dare you be so intolerant of what we believe, to think that it could be compromised just to please mere men.