Monday, July 23, 2007

If you don't support our troops....

While at the SCENE music festival yesterday, I saw a young chap wearing a troubling shirt. The back of his tee read "If you don't stand behind our troops, then stand in front of them." Really classy. If one doesn't support the troops (and presumbly the imperial war they are in), then they should essentially be treated like the enemy and shot (and maybe even tortured!). I guess freedom of belief and conscience meant little to that guy.

However, on a much brighter note, another shirt I saw read "Oh Canada, your home on Native land." Oh snap!


NO ONE said...

If it ever comes to the point where I'm to be brought before a sqaudristi or group of brown shirts then I figure there is no point in going down without a fight.

Canada will become a totalitarian state over my dead body.

Unknown said...

My politics surrounding the military are slightly complex. Suffice to say, I have a limited amount of support for the troops, but I do not support the Afghani mission. I completely agree that it's imperialistic. I do not inherently hate the military.

That shirt however, and I've seen it on some folks, is awful. I despise the black-and-white line mentality of it; the knee-jerk nationalism; and the stifling of debate over the issue.