Sunday, May 27, 2007

Howard Hampton addresses CUPE Ontario

I recently attended the 44th annual CUPE Ontario convention, at which Ontario NDP leader Howard Hampton was a guest speaker. The conference's theme- 'An Agenda for Change'- was fitting with Hampton's pre-election style speech. Change, in both CUPE Ontario and Hampton's minds, means electing a New Democrat government.

Sadly, though not surprisingly, Hampton failed to use the word capital(ism) or the phrase 'working class' in his speech, though 'working families' and 'working people' were routinely employed. However, Ontarians were reminded of a recently re-elected New Democratic Party in Manitoba as evidence that New Democrats would be an effective government for the working-class, if, of course, you over look the fact that anti-scab legislation has never been passed by an NDP government in that province (and conveniently Hampton did just that). Though in defense of the Manitoba NDP, card check certification forms the basis of union organizing in that province. Both anti-scab legislation and card check certification were issues that Hampton promised to provide for Ontarians if elected.

Among other things, Hampton stated:

“In the coming election, the NDP will represent the politics of hope. I want people to vote NDP because we have the best ideas to make their lives better and more affordable. I want people to vote NDP because we’ll fight for high-quality public services. I want people to vote NDP because we're the party that represents today’s working people. Working together, we’ll build the Ontario of our dreams – an Ontario that puts working families first.”

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