Saturday, December 30, 2006

Union Decertification

Today I was on a tour of the factory my dad works at, one that used to employ about 1 200 people, but is now down to 389, with 150 on layoff and another 150 on salary. This is an all too familiar situation at manufacturing facilities in Southern Ontario. On the way out, I passed a bulletin board, stopped and was saddened by what I found hanging upon it. Enclosed in a locked glass case was a poster printed by the Government of Ontario at the Queen's Printer (printed on our dime) entitled 'How to Decertify A Union.' The poster affirmed that workers could indeed decertify their workplace, and proceeded to list the steps one would take to do just that. Of course, this poster can be legally displaced in all unionized facilities- thanks to the Harris Tories- but a 'How to Certify Your Unorganized Workplace' poster can't be displayed in unorganized facilities. Common Sense? I think not.

Such a poster highlights the contempt that both the government and management have for trade unions. Imagine walking by that poster everyday on your way to working, knowing that those who you slave away for couldn't care less about you and want the only thing protecting to be done away with. It's sad really. The contempt that these entities hold for trade unions the and working class is patheticic.

Now I long for the morning that they realise
Brutality and unjust laws can not defeat us
But who'll defend the workers who cannot organise
When the bosses send their lackies out to cheat us?

Money speaks for money, the Devil for his own
Who comes to speak for the skin and the bone
What a comfort to the widow, a light to the child
There is power in a Union


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